Agricultural Applications

Calcium supplementation for the home, hobby, commercial, or factory farm

Oyster shells in their most basic form are 98% calcium carbonate. Used as a calcium supplement for centuries, their nutritional value doesn’t just stop at animal feed. Added to soil, substrates, and reservoirs, crushed oyster shell is a valuable, natural additive for all agricultural venues.

Oyster shell grades suitable for agricultural use

Oyster Shell Flour

Oyster shell flour has a sand-like consistency. The fine grain is useful for more measured applications like mushroom farming or for quicker breakdown and absorption when being used for soil or water amendment.

Dried or Wet ⅜” minus

Landscape grade or ⅜” minus, often referred to as pullet grade, is the best choice for feeding and slow-release amendment. It comes in both a wet and a dried style. A ⅜” minus grade includes shells that are ⅜” in size and smaller which will include oyster dust and flour. 

Consolidated Shell


P.O. Box 101232
Pittsburgh, PA 15237

Consolidated Shell Family Sites:      Consolidated Shells     Bulk Crushed Oyster Shells    Bulk Crushed Clam Shells     Myco Supply     Bocce Shells